It is necessary to furnish a completed request for the registration of a geographical indication/an appellation of origin, accompanying documents, and proof that the costs have been paid. The application is filed in written form, directly or through the post, as well as by fax, provided that within eight days of its filing, it is furnished to the Institute in a required number of copies.

The application for the registration of a geographical indication or an appellation of origin contains:

√ Request for the registration of a geographical indication or an appellation of origin (Form OGP-01).

√ Description of geographical area contains information on the geographical area in which a product originates, and it includes a more detailed definition of administrative boundaries of that area, geographical map of that area, and information on human and geographical factors to which specific characteristics, quality or reputaion of the product concerned are due.

√ Information on specific characteristics of a product:

• For geographical indications – the aplication contains a description of the manner of product manufacture, precise indication of specific characteristics or quality of the product, including information on the established reputation, who is entitled to use a geographical indication and under what conditions, as well as the rights and obligations of the user of a geographical indication.

• For appellations of origin – the application is filed in the form of an elaborate on the manner of product manufacture and specific characteristics, and quality of the product.

The form is completed on the computer or the typewriter. It is filed in one of the official languages of BIH, in two copies. One copy is retained by the Institute, and the other copy, with the entered number of the application for a geographical indication/an appellation of origin, incoming correspondence serial number, and is date stamped and stamped with the official seal, is returned to the applicant and serves as proof of accordal of the filing date to the application.

For further information, please refer to the Regulations Concerning Procedure for the Grant of an Indication of Geographical Origin, an Appelation of Origin, and a Geographical Indication (currently available in local language).


The procedure for granting the status of an authorized user of an appellation of origin or a geographical indication is initiated by filing the application for the registration of the same.

The application may be filed by natural persons or legal entities, as well as their associations who or which produce, in a specific geographical area, the products to which an applied for or a registered geographical indication/appellation of origin refers. Filing the application is subject to payment of the prescribed fee and costs of the procedure.

The application for granting the status of an authorized user contains:

√ request for granting the status of an authorized user of an appellation of origin or a geographical indication,

√ proof of performance of a specific activity in a specific geographical area - document (confirmation letter, decision) issued by responsible authority,

√ proof of the control of specific characteristics of a product carried out by an authorized accredited organization indicated in the application for an appellation of origin. The validity of such document is one year from the date of issuing.

The status of an authorized user of an appellation of origin or a geographical indication lasts three years from the date of entry of the granted status in the Register of Authorized Users of Appellations of Origin or Geographical Indications. The status of an authorized user of an appellation of origin or a geographical indication may, on request of the authorized user and subject to furnishing proof of fulfilling the conditions prescribed by Law and proof of payment of the fee and costs of the procedure, be renewed an unlimited number of times, as long as the respective geographical indication/appellation of origin lasts.